Convert to Image with advanced options
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GroupDocs.Conversion provides ImageConvertOptions to give you control over conversion result when convert to image. Along with common convert options from base class ImageConvertOptions has the following additional options:
- setFormat specifies desired result document type. Available options are: Tiff, Tif, Jpg, Jpeg, Png, Gig, Bmp, Ico, Psd, Wmf, Emf, Dcm, Webp, Dng, Svg, Jp2, Odg, J2c, J2k, Jpx, Jpf, Jpm, Eps, Cgm, Cdr, Cmx, Dib, Jpc, Jls, DjVu
- setWidth specifies desired image width after conversion.
- setHeight specifies desired image height after conversion.
- setHorizontalResolution specifies desired image horizontal resolution after conversion.
- setVerticalResolution specifies desired image vertical resolution after conversion.
- setGrayscale specifies if true converted image will be grayscaled.
- setRotateAngle specifies image rotation angle.
- setFlipMode specifies image flip mode. Available options are: None, FlipX, FlipY, FlipXY.
- setBrightness adjusts image brightness.
- setContrast adjusts image contrast.
- setGamma adjust image gamma.
- setJpegOptions sets JPEG specific convert options.
- setTiffOptions sets TIFF specific convert options.
- setPsdOptions sets PSD specific convert options.
- setWebpOptions sets WebP specific convert options.
- setUsePdf. Sometimes, for better rendering and elements positioning the source document should be converted to PDF first. If this property is set to true, the input firstly is converted to PDF and after that to desired format.
The following code snippet shows how to convert to image with advanced options
const util = require('util')
const fs = require('fs')
const outputFileTemplate = "ConvertToImageWithAdvancedOptions-converted-page-%s.png";
try {
const getPageStream = fs.createWriteStream(util.format(outputFileTemplate, 1))
const converter = new groupdocs.conversion.Converter('sample.pdf')
const convertOptions = new groupdocs.conversion.ImageConvertOptions();
converter.convert(getPageStream, convertOptions);
} catch (e) {
JpegOptions is subset of ImageConvertOptions which allow enhanced control over conversions to JPEG format.
The following options are available:
- setQuality specifies desired image quality.
- setColorMode sets JPEG color mode. Available options are: Rgb, YCbCr, Cmyk, Ycck, Grayscale.
- setCompression sets JPEG compression methods. Available options are: Baseline, Progressive, Lossless, JpegLs.
TiffOptions is subset of ImageConvertOptions which allow enhanced control over conversions to TIFF format.
The following options are available:
- setCompression sets TIFF compression method. Available options are: None, Lzw, Ccitt3, Ccitt4, Rle.
PsdOptions is subset of ImageConvertOptions which allow enhanced control over conversions to PSD format.
The following options are available:
- setChannelBitsCount sets bits count per channel.
- setChannelsCount sets color channels count.
- setColorMode sets PSD color mode. Available options are: Bitmap, Grayscale, Indexed, Rgb, Cmyk, Multichannel, Duotone, Lab.
- setCompression sets PSD compression method. Available options are: Raw, Rle, ZipWithoutPrediction, ZipWithPrediction.
- setVersion sets desired PSD version.
WebpOptions is subset of ImageConvertOptions which allow enhanced control over conversions to WebP format.
The following options are available:
- setLossless specifies if the compression of the converted image will be lossless.
- setQuality sets the quality of converted image.
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