Convert XML to PDF Using XSL-FO

GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET allows you to convert XML files to PDF format using XSL-FO templates. This approach lets you define the layout and style of the PDF by transforming the XML content through an XSL-FO stylesheet. Follow this guide to perform the conversion seamlessly.

Key Features

  • Convert XML to PDF with custom styles using XSL-FO.
  • Define PDF layout and formatting using XSL-FO templates.
  • Flexible and efficient for generating PDFs from structured XML data.


Ensure you have the following ready before proceeding:

  1. GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET installed in your project.
  2. An XML file containing the data to convert.
  3. An XSL-FO stylesheet that defines the PDF layout and design.

Code Example: XML to PDF Conversion

The following code snippet demonstrates how to convert an XML file to PDF using an XSL-FO template:

// Load the XML file with the XSL-FO stylesheet
using (var converter = new Converter("books.xml", (LoadContext loadContext) => new XmlLoadOptions
           XslFoFactory = () => new FileStream("bookstore-pdf-template.xsl", FileMode.Open)
    // Set the output format to PDF
    var options = new PdfConvertOptions();
    // Perform the conversion
    converter.Convert("converted.pdf", options);