Convert Image using OCR

Convert Image using OCR

GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET provide an extension point which allows convert images using OCR processing. To use this you have to implement IOcrConnector interface and provide instance of it in ImageLoadOptions.

The following code snippet shows how to convert image using OCR processing and extract text from image and convert it to PDF:

First create a class that implements IOcrConnector**

internal class OcrConnector : IOcrConnector
    public RecognizedImage Recognize(Stream imageStream)
            var api = new AsposeOcr();
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                imageStream.Position = 0;
                var rectangles = api.GetRectangles(ms, AreasType.LINES,false);
                var result = api.RecognizeImage(ms, new RecognitionSettings
                    DetectAreas = false,
                    RecognitionAreas = rectangles
                return CreateRecognizedImageFromResult(result);
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Aspose.OCR Recognition failed: {0}", ex);
        return RecognizedImage.Empty;
    private RecognizedImage CreateRecognizedImageFromResul(RecognitionResult result)
        var lines = new List<TextLine>();
        for (var i = 0; i < result.RecognitionAreasText.Count; i++)
            var fragments = SplitToFragments(result.RecognitionAreasText[i]Trim('\r', '\n'), result.RecognitionAreasRectangles[i]);
            lines.Add(new TextLine(fragments));
        return new RecognizedImage(lines);
    private static List<TextFragment> SplitToFragments(string lineText,Rectangle boundingRect)
        var fragments = new List<TextFragment>();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineText))
            int index = 0, fragIndex = 0;
            bool isWhitespace = false;
            List<char> frag = new List<char>();
            int previousWidth = 0;
            float fixWidthChar = boundingRect.Width / GetEquivalentLengt(lineText);
            while (index < lineText.Length)
                if (frag.Count == 0)
                    isWhitespace = (lineText[index] == ' ');
                    bool altIsWhitespace = (lineText[index] == ' ');
                    if (index == lineText.Length - 1) frag.Add(lineTex[index]);
                    if (altIsWhitespace != isWhitespace || (index ==lineText.Length - 1))
                        string fragment = new string(frag.ToArray());
                        int fragWidth = (int)Math.Round(GetEquivalentLengt(fragment) * fixWidthChar);
                        int actualLength = (index == lineText.Length - 1) ?lineText.Length : index;
                        previousWidth = (int)Math.Round(GetEquivalentLengt(lineText.Substring(0, actualLength - frag.Count))* fixWidthChar);
                        fragments.Add(new TextFragment(fragment, newRectangle(boundingRect.X + previousWidth,
                            boundingRect.Y, fragWidth, boundingRect.Height));
                        fragIndex += fragment.Length;
                        isWhitespace = altIsWhitespace;
        return fragments;
    private static readonly List<char> NarrowChars = new List<char>(new cha[] { ',', '.', ':', ';', '!', '|', '(', ')', '{', '}',
        'l', 'i', 'I', '-', '+', 'f', 't', 'r'});
    private static readonly List<char> WideChars = new List<char>(new cha[] { '\t', 'm', 'w', 'M', 'W' });
    private static float GetEquivalentLength(string lineText)
        var length = 0F;
        foreach (var c in lineText)
            if (c == ' ')
                length += 0.6F;
            else if (NarrowChars.Contains(c))
                length += 0.5F;
            else if (WideChars.Contains(c) || char.IsUpper(c))
                length += 1.5F;
                length += 1F;
        return length;

Then provide OcrConnector instance in ImageLoadOptions:

var imageLoadOptions = new ImageLoadOptions();
imageLoadOptions.SetOcrConnector(new OcrConnector());

using (Converter converter = new Converter("sample.jpeg", () => imageLoadOptions))
    PdfConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
    converter.Convert("converted.pdf", options);
The example uses Aspose.OCR but any OCR processing library could be used
This functionality is introduced in v22.4