Convert each email attachment to different format

GroupDocs.Conversion provides a flexible API to control the conversion of documents that contains other documents.

The following code snippet shows how to convert each attachment to a different format based on the attachment type:

var index = 1;
LoadOptions LoadOptionsProvider(FileType sourceType)
    if (sourceType == EmailFileType.Eml)
        return new EmailLoadOptions
            ConvertOwned = true, 
            ConvertOwner = true,
            Depth = 2
    return null;
Stream ConvertedStreamProvider(FileType targetType)
    string outputFile = $"converted-{index++}.{targetType.Extension}";
    return new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create);
ConvertOptions ConvertOptionsProvider(string sourceDocumentName, FileType sourceType)
    if (sourceType == EmailFileType.Eml)
        return new WordProcessingConvertOptions();
    if (sourceType == WordProcessingFileType.Txt)
        return new PdfConvertOptions();
    return new ImageConvertOptions();

using (var converter = new Converter("sample_with_attachments.eml", LoadOptionsProvider))
    converter.Convert(ConvertedStreamProvider, ConvertOptionsProvider);
This functionality is introduced in v20.6