GroupDocs.Conversion allows converting JSON data into spreadsheet formats like XLSX, effectively treating the JSON file as a data source for the spreadsheet. This functionality is achieved using the SpreadsheetConvertOptions class.
Convert JSON to Spreadsheet
Here’s how you can achieve this in Java:
importcom.groupdocs.conversion.Converter;importcom.groupdocs.conversion.options.convert.SpreadsheetConvertOptions;publicclassConvertJsonAsDataSourceToSpreadsheet{publicstaticvoidconvert(){// Initialize the Converter for the input file
try(Converterconverter=newConverter("sample.json"){// Set up SpreadsheetConvertOptions
SpreadsheetConvertOptionsoptions=newSpreadsheetConvertOptions();// Perform the conversion
sample.json is sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.
converted.xlsx is converted XLSX file. Click here to download it.
This flexibility allows you to transform JSON data into well-organized spreadsheets tailored to specific requirements.
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