Column Chart in Spreadsheet Document

In this article, we will use GroupDocs.Assembly to generate a Column Chart Report with Filtered, Ordered and Grouped Data in Spreadsheet Document format.
The code uses some of the objects defined in The Business Layer.

Column Chart in Microsoft Excel Document

Creating a Column Chart

Following below steps, you can create column chart in MS Excel 2013:

  1. Create a new Workbook.
  2. Click the “Insert” tab, and then click “Insert Column Chart” icon in the Charts group to view the drop-down list.
  3. Select the “100% Stacked Column” and press “OK” to insert the chart and Worksheet template to your Worksheet.
  4. Edit the Worksheet with your data to update the chart. See Chart Data.
  5. Save your Document.

Reporting Requirement

As a report developer, you are required to share orders quantity of the customers dynamically with the following key requirements:

  • Report must show total Contract Prices by Quarters
  • Report must be generated in the Spreadsheet Document.

Adding Syntax to be evaluated by GroupDocs.Assembly Engine

Chart Title

Total Contract Prices by Quarters<<foreach [in getContracts()
.where(c => c.getDate().getYear() + 1900 == 2015)
.groupBy(c => c.getManager())
.orderBy(g => g.key.getName())]>><<x [key.getName()]>>

Chart Data

Legend Entries

="1st Quarter<<y [where(c => c.getDate().getMonth() >= 0 && c.getDate().getMonth() <= 2).sum(c => c.getPrice())]>>"
="2nd Quarter<<y [where(c => c.getDate().getMonth() >= 3 && c.getDate().getMonth() <= 5).sum(c => c.getPrice())]>>"
="3rd Quarter<<y [where(c => c.getDate().getMonth() >= 6 && c.getDate().getMonth() <= 8).sum(c => c.getPrice())]>>"
="4th Quarter<<y [where(c => c.getDate().getMonth() >= 9 && c.getDate().getMonth() <= 11).sum(c => c.getPrice())]>>"

Download Template

Please download the sample Chart with Filtering, Grouping, and Ordering document we created in this article:

Generating The Report

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String srcDocument = "/Spreadsheet Templates/Chart with Filtering, Grouping, and Ordering.xlsx";
String docReport = "/Spreadsheet Reports/Chart with Filtering, Grouping, and Ordering_report.xlsx";
try {
DocumentAssembler assembler = new DocumentAssembler();
CommonUtilities.getTestOutPath(docReport), new DataSourceInfo(new DataStorage(), null));
} catch (Exception exp) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + exp.getMessage());

Column Chart in OpenOffice Spreadsheet Document

To be investigated.