Merging Table Cells Dynamically

Merging Table Cells Dynamically

Using GroupDocs.Assembly for Java, you can merge table cells with equal textual contents within your reports dynamically using cellMerge tags. Syntax of a cellMerge tag is defined as follows:

<<cellMerge -horz>>

For two or more successive table cells to be merged dynamically in either direction by the engine, the following requirements must be met:

  • Each of the cells must contain a cellMerge tag denoting a cell merging operation in the same direction.
  • Each of the cells must not be already merged in another direction.
  • The cells must have equal textual contents (ignoring leading and trailing whitespaces).

Consider the following template:













Merging Table Cells Dynamically in Word Processing Document 

The Code


Merging Table Cells Dynamically in Presentation Document 

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Merging Table Cells Dynamically in Spreadsheet Document 

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Merging Table Cells Dynamically in Email Document 

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